Children to practice religious activities to protect themselves from drugs


Oleh Penni Patmawati Rusman, Selasa, 26 Maret 2019 | 13:53 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Hundreds of children participated in the Interactive Dialogue and Drug emergency simulation event held in Pasar Rebo, Jakarta.

The event was also attended by the National Commission on Child Protection (Komnas PA) chairman Arist Merdeka Sirait, Pasar Rebo Batak Christian Protestant Church (HKBP) Priest Leonard Sigalingging and National Narcotics Agency’s (BNN) Anti-Narcotics simulator Police Brigadier General Dr. Victor SpB.

In his statement on Monday (3/25), Arist Merdeka Sirait said that Indonesian children are currently facing the threats of drugs. "Houses, schools and children's playground are no longer sterile from the dangers of drugs. Houses and schools have become place where drugs are circulated," he said.

He also mentioned that children had also become easy targets and markets for drug dealers.

Arist said that Komnas PA Data and Information Center reported that 1,500 school-aged children tested positive to drugs. "It means our children have been surrounded by and in a circle of drugs", said Arist.

For this reason, he requested parents, teachers and stakeholders to pay extra attention to changes of children's behavior at home or school.

Related to this, Priest Leonard Sigalingging requested all participants especially children not to pollute their bodies by consuming drugs and other addictive substances in any form.

He argued that according to the theological and biblical views, the human body is an "Imagodei" which is like God and holy as it is. "Therefore, protect yourself with all your might from the attacks and temptations of drugs," he said.

Police Brigadier General Dr. Victor second this opinion and expected that Indonesian children, especially teenagers and pre-adolescents of HKBP Pasar Rebo, are able to protect themselves from all forms of drug attacks and temptations by exercising religious activities.

He said that taking drugs is shortening life. Meanwhile, he said, the life span and future of children is still long. He stressed that consuming narcotics will do harms not only to themselves, but also the family.

"Therefore, say no to drugs." he stressed. (Reporter: Jhon Rico, Translator: Wilda Stiana)