Increase Mental Health Awareness to Control Mental Health: Health Ministry


Oleh Penni Patmawati Rusman, Selasa, 26 Maret 2019 | 10:40 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 951

Jakarta, InfoPublik – The issue of mental health in Indonesia still poses a problematic challenge because it has been viewed from different perspectives, especially in the context of health. Health problems are not only reflected physically but also mentally.

Indonesian Ministry’s Director General of Disease Prevention and Control Anung Sugihantono said health is defined as a healthy state; physically, mentally, spiritually and socially that enables people to live productively.

"People still consider mental health problems not as diseases, while it actually is similar to physical illness. When untreated, even the smallest mental disorder can threaten someone's life,” Anung said in an official statement quoted by InfoPublik Monday (3/4).

Problems related to mental health, narcotics, alcohol, psychotropic and other addictive substances need special attention to be prevented and controlled through promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative efforts.

The key lies in the shifting of cure, service, and care. In other words, it lies in comprehensive health efforts by encouraging joint involvement and responsibility. This is not only based on health facilities, individuals, and families, but also the community. "It is important to care for the environment so that mental health problems can decrease," said Anung.

The results of the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) showed the prevalence of households with members suffering from schizophrenia/psychosis by 7/1000 with treatment coverage of 84.9 percent. The prevalence of mental emotional disorders in adolescents >15 years was 9.8 percent and this number increases compared to 2013, which was 6%. (Reporter: Putri, Translator: Wilda Stiana)