Unduh Foto - Album: AM IMF-WBG 2018

Sejumlah peserta menyaksikan pidato Menko Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan melalui layar televisi pada Pertemuan Tahunan IMF-World Bank Group 2018 di Indonesia Communication Centre di Santi Lounge, Hotel Nusa Dua Beach, Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin (8/10). Panitia menyediakan televisi di sejumlah lokasi untuk memudahkan peserta menyaksikan tayangan rangkaian acara tersebut secara langsung. ICom/AM IMF-WBG/Anis Efizudin/wsj/2018.

A number of participants watch a remarks delivered by Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan in a television screen during the 2018 IMF - World Bank Group Annual Meetings, at the Indonesia Communication Center, Santi Lounge, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel, Nusa Dua Bali, Monday (8/10). The committee provides televisions in several spots to allow participants to follow series of the annual event in real time. ICom/AM IMF-WBG/Anis Efizudin/wsj/ras/2018.