Jakarta Government to repair 47 sidewalks


Oleh G. Suranto, Jumat, 10 Februari 2017 | 12:12 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik – Jakarta Government’s Spatial Planning and Development Office planned to repair 47 sidewalks in all sub-districts in 2017 with a total budget of Rp400 billion.

Yusmada Faizal, the head of Jakarta’s Spatial Planning and Development Office, said every sub-district will repair one sidewalk, including two sub-districts in Thousand Islands. “This year’s scheme is similar with the last year’s. There are 42 land sub-districts and five activities conducted by the spatial office,” he said at the Jakarta City Hall, Monday (2/9).

The repair will widen the sidewalk up to three to four meters. However, the program is yet in bidding process due to administrative preparation. “The total length of sidewalk that needs to be repaired is 2,600 kilometers. Last year, the repair reached 48 kilometers,” he said.

He added every sub-office will determine which sidewalks. “Thus, the total length of this year’s repair will reach 108 kilometers or 4.1 percent from the total needs,” he said.