Oleh Eko Budiono, Jumat, 10 Juni 2016 | 14:10 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 1K
Jakarta, InfoPublik – Indonesian Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo instructed heads of region to pay attention to food supply demand during Ramadan and Eid al Fitr 1437 Hijri.
Regional heads are also encouraged to intensively monitor the development of daily market prices. "We also have to ensure the safety and the smooth distribution of goods in respective areas, and to find the solution for occurring problem such as spilled market, damaged roads and other obstacles that disrupt the distribution," he said on Tuesday (6/7).
According to him, heads of region should also monitor the stock of basic goods in day trader to determine the estimation of daily stock needs.
The Minister stated that monitoring is aimed at maintaining the safety of food products in circulation. In addition, it’s also to ensure the availability of basic goods supply distribution by ensuring the readiness of goods transportation.
"We must ensure that traders do not raise prices unreasonably and hoard goods for speculation by conducting integrated monitoring together," he explained.
He added that regional heads are also instructed to provide information related to the production, availability, and prices of food commodities. "The information should be current, credible and easily accessible to the public in order to curb excessive speculation," he said. (Translator: Siti Chodijah)