Vice President's Three Messages for 2024 Election


Oleh Siti Chodijah, Rabu, 8 Maret 2023 | 12:57 WIB - Redaktur: Siti Chodijah - 655

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin stated that there are three factors to consider before organizing general elections in the country the next year.

First, the Vice President stated that political elites must adhere to predetermined rules, promote development-oriented thoughts and insights, and refrain from attacking political opponents.

"There are already norms governing the elections. There are previously established regulations, and political ethics must also obey the rules. "Stick to political ethics, don't justify any means, and prioritize the politics of ideas and insights, not political in the sense of smearing opponents and attacking opponents," the Vice President said in a news release received on March 7, 2023.

Secondly, he continued, Election organizers must supervise the Election and organize it in accordance with the rules.

"An election that is fair and honest, well-guarded, free of fraud, nothing that can provoke rioting, dissatisfaction, or public distrust," he said.

Thirdly, the Vice President advised the public not to be easily stirred by incitements that would cause divisions circulating throughout every digital space channel.

"The most challenging aspect is this fake news and hoax. This is the primary issue that must be resolved. "Community leaders must prevent this from occurring," stated the vice president.

In the near future, the government, specifically the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, must monitor social media for fake news.

"Those who wish to divide the nation manufacture fake news in such a manner. So, community leaders and religious leaders must supervise it closely," he said.


Photo: BPMI Setwapres

Reporter: Tri Antoro