President to Issue Media Sustainability Regulation


Oleh Filmon Warouw, Selasa, 7 Februari 2023 | 16:26 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 721

Jakarta, InfoPublik - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that he would immediately issue a presidential regulation (perpres) on media sustainability (MS). It will regulate cooperation and relation schemes between media with global platforms for a fair press ecosystem.

The President agreed with the Press Council's opinion to use Law Number 40 of 1999 on the Press as the foundation in the formulation of media sustainability regulation.

“The President agreed with the Press Council's input that the media sustainability regulation should refer to the Press Law,” said Press Council's chair Dr. Ninik Rahayu as quoted from her press release on Monday, 6 February. 

On this occasion, the President confirmed that he would attend the peak of the National Press Day (HPN) commemorative event in Medan, North Sumatra on Thursday, 9 February. 

"I will be present at HPN Medan," said the President. The President also received reports from the Press Council members on the management change after the passing of Professor Azyumardi Azra, the press freedom index, and media sustainability development.

The President said freedom of the press is absolute. “I think freedom of the press in our country is so high. However, the important thing now is that the media must be responsible. That is important," President Jokowi underscored.

He also paid great attention to the global platform in the context of maintaining balance and fairness. "The development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology must be anticipated by the press," he said.

Photo: Presidential Secretariat BPMI