Judicial Commission, US DOJ Discuss Cooperation in Court Security


Oleh Filmon Warouw, Jumat, 10 Maret 2023 | 12:15 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Indonesian Judicial Commission (KY) met the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance, and Training (OPDAT) to discuss cooperation.

One of the issues discussed in the meeting was related to the role of KY in court security: maintaining the integrity of the judiciary process and independence.

Law Number 18 of 2011 on the Judicial Commission regulated that KY can take legal steps and/or other measures against individuals, groups of people, or legal entities that degrade the honor and dignity of judges. KY disseminates this authority to judges and opens the door for those who feel threatened or insecure in their duties.

“Every year, we handle 17 cases of degrading the honor of judges or PMKH and conduct prevention efforts. We do not directly provide (protection) but develop an awareness of judges, the public, and justice seekers, facilitate, lobby, and communicate with stakeholders or government for the security of judges in court," said Binziad Kadafi, a KY member, in a written statement received InfoPublik on Thursday, March 9.

DOJ's Resident Legal Advisor Bruce Miyake revealed that one of the missions is to bring US Marshall to conduct assessments in two or three district courts in Jakarta. It aims to conduct limited training with court officers regarding the security system protocol.

“The DOJ hopes that the training can improve court security, especially about anti-terrorism. DOJ is also working with colleagues in Australia in providing equipment to East Jakarta and West Jakarta District Courts to strengthen security against the threat of terrorism," Bruce explained.

"DOJ's mission is also to provide input and assistance so that legal agencies, the Supreme Court for instance, can make regulations to improve court security."

“PN (district court) can also implement the latest regulations through the relevant team which I call the Court Security Committee. They prepare SOPs (standard operating procedures) and ensure that they are implemented." "It becomes one of our missions with the U.S. Marshals in district courts." "We also invited several judges to come together and support us," Bruce said.

The meeting continued with discussions on future cooperation issues. Both representatives agreed to hold further meetings to discuss the issues.

Photo: Judicial Commission