Oleh Filmon Warouw, Kamis, 7 Januari 2021 | 20:15 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 1K
Jakarta, InfoPublik - Home Minister Tito Karnavian appealed to the public to comply the health protocol ahead national COVID-19 vaccination. People had to follow the health protocol, namely wearing mask, washing hands with soap, and maintaining physical distance.
“Remain the discipline in applying 3M [health protocol]. Keep on wearing mask, maintain distance, and wash hands properly and regularly. Avoid the crowd to prevent any spread," said Minister Tito in a statement after a coordination meeting on 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination and Health Protocol Enforcement Preparation at his office in Jakarta on Thursday, 7 January.
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force chair Doni Monardo said the people had to adhere health protocol.
Earlier, Minister Tito said President Joko Widodo would take the first shot to start the national COVID-19 vaccination on 13 January.
Then, according to him, the national vaccination will be started on 14 January.
He underlined the health protocol implementation had to be maintained alongside the mass vaccination.
He also reminded that the education on mass vaccination was needed to prevent commotion in the public.
“Don't presume this vaccine is everything that becoming a bone of contention or causing crowd," he added. (Photo credit: Home Ministry, Writer: Eko Budiono, Editor: Wawan Budiyanto, Translator: Filmon Warouw).