Oleh Penni Patmawati Rusman, Selasa, 1 Desember 2020 | 20:40 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 869
Jakarta, InfoPublik –The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) will continue to maintain the target voter turnout for the simultaneous regional elections 2020 at 77.5 percent despite organized during the Covid-19 pandemic, as stated by KPU official Dewa Kade Wiarsa Raka Sandi, in his statement, Monday (30/11).
"The target shows KPU’s serious attention to the importance of voter turnout in the regional elections, as well as to provide motivation for all organizers," said Dewa Raka Sandi.
Raka Sandi emphasized that the pandemic situation will pose more difficult challenges in realizing the voter turnout target.
"We realize it is not easy and it is challenging. Many factors will influence the results," he said.
Raka Sandi said that his party continued to do its best to realize voter turnout which has been targeted.
"We have conducted an evaluation coordination meeting and asked each regency and municipality organizing elections to report their voter turnout in writing. The reports have been submitted to us through the Provincial KPUs," he explained.
Raka Sandi explained that the KPU has been encouraging the regions to make all efforts to achieve the target.
"The KPU carries out all the stages by complying with the health protocol," he said.
In addition to KPU, the roles of the regional head candidate pairs, success teams, sympathizers and political parties also contribute to the target realization considering that they are the participants of the regional elections.
"The actions of the elite and candidate pairs will affect the level of voter turnout, because they are public figures who become role models or reference for the community," he said.
The KPU will hold the simultaneous regional elections 2020 in 270 regions on 9 December 2020. (Photo: KPU RI) (Reporter: Eko Budiono, Translator: Penni P. Rusman)