Rabu, 22 Januari 2025 19:53:44

Indonesia Hopes for Good Relations with the US: Foreign Minister


Oleh Penni Patmawati Rusman, Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2020 | 17:46 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 914

Jakarta, InfoPublik—Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi stated that Indonesia expected good relations with the United States (US).

According to Retno, President Joko Widodo also expected the US to become a good partner for Indonesia.

This was delicered by Retno after accompanying President Joko Widodo to receive US State Secretary Mike Pompeo’s visit at the Bogor Presidential Palace on Thursday (29/10).

“On the meeting, the President said that we have a good partnership, we make good friends,” Retno stated, Thusrday (29/10).

“Indonesia expects the US to become true friend of Indonesia, but we cannot take it for granted. Everything has to be maintained,” She said.

According to Retno, President Joko Widodo advised that maintaining the partnership required serious efforts, mutual understanding, and measures to realize concrete cooperation, including those in the economic sector.

“President emphasised that Indonesia is looking forward for more intensified economic cooperation between both countries in the future,” she said, adding that the President also expected for enhanced cooperation in the field of defence.

Moreover, Retno stated that President Jokowi also expected the US to understand the interests of developing countries and the interests of Islamic countries. Furthermore, it is expected that the US also understand the South East Asia and make efforts with the countries of the region to realize regional peace, stability, and cooperation.

Meanwhile, Pompeo expressed his strong commitment to continue the strategic partnership with Indonesia, including in the field of economy.

“The US will encourage more American businesses to carry out economic engagement with Indonesia,” stated Retno.

She stated that America considered Indonesia to play a specific role in the region.

“With Indonesia’s big role, the US seriously intends to establish better relations with Indonesia,” Retno concluded. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs) (Reporter: Eko Budiono, Translator: Penni P. Rusman)