Oleh Penni Patmawati Rusman, Rabu, 30 Oktober 2019 | 14:48 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 723
Jakarta, InfoPublik - General Election Commission (KPU) iterated that the process of replacing elected legislative candidates had been carried out in accordance with the mechanism provided in Law Number 7 Year 2017.
"Article 426 of the law regulates the placement mechanism of elected legislative candidates," said KPU commissioner, Evi Novida Ginting Manik in his written statement on Tuesday (29/10/2019).
An elected legislative candidate shall be replaced on the conditions that they decease, resign, no longer qualify as a house member, or are proven to have committed election crimes in the form of money politics or document falsification in accordance with legally binding decisions of the court of law.
The replacement of elected legislative candidates shall be proposed by respective political parties. "When a party states that its elected legislative candidates are no longer eligible, we must respond,” she said.
Evi added that the KPU always seeks clarification from the political parties of the reasons for replacing their elected candidates.
"The replacements are not conducted arbitrarily. We seek clarification from political parties and verify the documents that have been submitted to us," she concluded. (Reporter: Eko Budiono, Translator: Erik Limantara)