BNN opens rehabilitation center in Lampung


Oleh Jhon Rico, Senin, 26 September 2016 | 15:54 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 710

Jakarta, InfoPublik - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) had opened Kalianda rehabilitation center in South Lampung regency on Thursday (9/22) to response the high rate of narcotics abuse and trafficking. This is an implementation of demand and supply strategy approach.

This rehabilitation center was inaugurated by BNN head Budi Waseso and is a government-owned facility managed by BNN, in addition to the centers in Lido in Bogor, Batam in Riau Islands, Tanah Merah in Samarinda, and Badoka in Makassar.

Mr. Waseso said that this project is also an initiative from South Lampung regent who has also contributed by providing land and building to develop a proper rehabilitation center. "This facility was built on a land grant from South Lampung regency and was located in Way Lubuk,” he said in a press release.

The Kalianda center was built on 30,000 square meters of and was equipped with several facilities such as emergency room, male reentry building, male and female primary building, action room, residential room, kitchen, laundry room and houses of worship—mosque, church, chapel, and vihara.

The facility, he added, was also equipped with x-ray machine, laboratory and radiology equipment, dental room, and other medical equipment. “It can treat 97 drug addicts and abusers—72 male and 25 female—from the southern regions of Sumatra such as Bengkulu, Jambi, South Sumatra, and Banten in West Java,” he said.

This center has received 45 residents since May to September 2016 from the greater Lampung area and has 52 employees—nine civil servants and 43 non-civil servants in various positions in the center.

BNN hopes it will become a facility to heal and to rehab the drug addicts and abusers in Sumatera, especially in Lampung. It is expected to reduce the drugs demand which will disturb the dealer and gradually reduce the narcotics trafficking and abuse. (Translator: Rina Alexandra)