MoHA is Keeping Target in Electronic ID Data Recording


Oleh Eko Budiono, Senin, 26 September 2016 | 15:07 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) is still optimistic to fulfill the target of Electronic Identity Card (e-KTP) data recording of the remaining 18 million people.

"Of the 18 million individuals who have not had their data recorded, 7 million are abroad," said Director General of Civil Registration of MoHA, Arif Zudan Fakhrulloh, in his office, Friday (9/23).

According to him, that remaining 18 million individuals includes people abroad and double data. "We will re-evaluate the detailed number in the end of September," he said.

For the double data number, DG of Civil Registration had tracked the number which reached 1.5 million e-IDs.  As for the availability of e-ID form, the government still has 3.1 million pieces of forms. A total of 1.8 million are circulating in regions and 1.3 million are at the Center Civil Registration. An average of 100-150 thousand copies of forms are distributed to the regions each day.

He added that his office is still waiting the results of the communication between Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo with Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani regarding budget cuts for e-ID postal service.

"We cannot restructure the budget anymore because at the first quarter we already took Rp 145 billion and Rp 344.5 billion in the second quarter. The total is Rp 498 billion. We can no longer cut the posts in another budget," he added. (Translator: Wilda Stiana)