Appreciation goes to Four Indonesian Airlines


Oleh Tri Antoro, Senin, 19 September 2016 | 11:41 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 481

Jakarta, InfoPublik – House of Representatives Working Committee on Marketing and Tourism Destinations gave appreciation to four airlines for their support in domestic tourism.

The four airlines are: PT Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Sriwijaya Air, and NAM Air. "We appreciate their support to Indonesia tourism," said Working Committee on Marketing and Tourism Destinations Chairman Ferdinansyah in Jakarta, Monday (5/9).

He continued that support from airlines in increasing the number of domestic and foreign tourists  is very needed. Good-quality airline services as well as information about tourism destination are  very important.

"Long flights  that takes for hours make people hesitate to travel," he said.

Ferdinand suggested that to encourage better flight services, long-haul flights should provide continuation ticket. "There should be a continuation  ticket between airlines," he concluded.(Translator: Sugiarti)