Oleh Eko Budiono, Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016 | 17:14 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 513
Jakarta, InfoPublik- Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) has ensured that simultaneous elections which is planned to be held on 15 February 2017 will not be delayed.
"If the 2017 election is delayed, it would cause legal uncertainty. Especially because public and stakeholders have been informed regarding the schedule and steps in the election," said KPU commissioner Ida Budhiati, in Jakarta, Thursday (11/8).
According to her, in determining the election date, the Commission has considered other aspects such as updating voters' data and time limit for settlement of dispute that might arise in the elections. She said changing the schedule would cause great impact, "the Commission will not change schedule," she said.
Meanwhile, another KPU Commissioner Hadar Nafis Gumay asserted almost all regions have been conducting dissemination of information regarding to the election. "Many regions have been publishing theme song and mascot of the election, stating that it would be held on 15 February 2017. Moreover, Many billboards and ads have been continuously published in the media," He said. He also added the Commission Regulation (PKPU) on Stages, Schedules and Programs of regional election has been enacted since 7 April 2016. (translator: Sugiarti)