Oleh Masfardi, Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016 | 09:46 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 595
Jakarta, Infopublik—Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) will hold a joint meeting on 20 September 2016 addressing the long-term national development guidelines or State Policy Guidelines (GBHN) as previously stated by MPR Chairman on a plenary session on 16 August 2016.
"The GBHN is actuallystated in the 1945 Constitution to provide direction of the national development in the future, so that anyone appointed president will have clear direction for development. If certain parties considered it will undermine the presidential system, an in-depth study is needed," said MPR Deputy Chairman Osman Sapta Odang in Jakarta, Tuesday (23/8).
Acording to him, the plan to reinstate the GBHN has been discussed on 24 February, but it would not reinstate MPR as the highest state institution like it was in the New Order era, "If it is approved, MPR must be ready for its tasks that will be implemented by the government. "
Reviving GBHN does not mean restoring the assembly’s power to elect the President. Since early 2016 the MPR has been reviewing and receiving inputs from various experts and public figures to set the direction of long-term national development like GBHN.
Osman said that as a vast nation, Indonesia should have a long-term development guidelines stipulated in GBHN, it is a positive step that should be appreciated by all parties. The development must be based on a constitutional basis as the ideal foundation of Pancasila, so that the direction of development to be implemented by the president become more clear, focused and measured both quantitatively and qualitatively. (Translator:Sugiarti)