Oleh Filmon Warouw, Rabu, 7 April 2021 | 12:32 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 887
Jakarta, InfoPublik - The Indonesian Defense Ministry participated in the 14th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) Plus Experts’ Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations, Cycle 2021—2023. The event was conducted on an online meeting platform on Tuesday, 6 April.
The Indonesian delegate in the event, Brigadier-General J. Binsar P.S., Defense Ministry's international cooperation director, talked about "Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the UN Peacekeeping Operations".
The Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations' meeting which took place on 6—7 April was officially opened by Vietnam's head of delegation together with Japan as the co-chair. Both countries presented their views on the Peacekeeping Operation involvement.
Other countries who also shared their experiences were Cambodia, India, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand as well as representatives from the United Nations.
The meeting is a part of series of the 14th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus Experts’ Working Group on Maritime Security (EWG on MS) started on 31 March.
Meanwhile, Indonesia and Australia as the 2017—2020 co-chair also shared the implementation of the Peacekeeping Operation Field Training Exercise (FTX) and the benefit of the ADMM Plus in peacekeeping operations. (Photo: Defense Ministry, Writer: Yudi Rahmat, Editor: Wawan Budiyanto, Translator: Filmon Leonard Warouw)