Oleh Filmon Warouw, Selasa, 2 Maret 2021 | 19:19 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 959
Jakarta, InfoPublik - The Electronic Information and Transaction (ITE) Law Review Team opened again a discussion with former complainants and suspects. The team continues to gather inputs from various parties involved with ITE Law.
“The former suspects who attend the virtual discussion are among others Muhammad Arsyad, Ravio Patra, Prita Mulyasari, Yahdi Basma, and Teddy Sukardi. Meanwhile, the former complainants are among others Alvin Lie, Nikita Mirzani, Dewi Tanjung, and Muannas Al Aidid,” said Sugeng Purnomo, the chair of ITE Law Review Team formed by the Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Coordinating Ministry, on Tuesday, 2 March.
Furthermore, the sub-team 1 will prepare guidelines and the sub-team 2 will discuss the possibility of amendment by considering inputs and opinions from various parties. The amendments may apply to a number of articles in the law.
Mr. Sugeng added in the previous discussion both former complainants and suspects who presented in virtual meeting focused on Article 27 and Article 28 of the ITE Law.
“We got inputs related to the amendments of a number of articles from the former complainants and suspects. The discussion centered on Article 27 and Article 28. According to them, clear norm and implementation are needed,” said Mr. Sugeng who is also the deputy for law and human rights coordination of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Coordinating Ministry.
Previously, in accordance with the schedule, the ITE Law Review Team had gathered inputs from former complainants and suspects, among others, Saiful Mahdi, Baiq Nuril, Diananta Putra, Dandhy Dwi Laksono, Bintang Emon, Singky Suadji, and Ade Armando.
In the next phase, the team will hear opinions from the second cluster that comprises activists, civil society members, and professionals. (Source: Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Coordinating Ministry's Public Relation; Writer: Yudi Rahmat; Editor: Untung S; Translator: Filmon Leonard Warouw)