Oleh Tri Antoro, Selasa, 6 Juni 2017 | 09:18 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 714
Jakarta, InfoPublik - Legal Expert Ahmad Rivai considered the amendment of article 22 letter d of the 1945 Constitution is the biggest challenge for the Regional Representative Council (DPD) during Oesman Sapta Odang’s (Oso) leadership in fighting for regional aspirations.
"First, we need amend it tomake DPD stronger," said Ahmad Rivai in Jakarta, Sunday (5/28).
According to Rivai, post-amendment of 1945 Constitution, DPD will gain a stroger position constitutionally. DPD would be able to perform better in supporting regional development in order to improve the welfare of local communities.
"The amendment is aimed to maximize the DPD’s regional autonomy," he said.
Constitutionally, continued Ahmad, DPD has a very strong function in promoting local community. The function should be maximized before the amendment is realized.
It is time for DPD to be brave in performing its function to represent aspirations from the regions by making agreement with the House of Representatives (DPR) without reducing the duties and functions of both institutions. "They can make a collective agreement if the amendment is not reached," he added. (Translator: Wilda Stiana)