Home Affairs Minister: Government Focuses on Development


Oleh Eko Budiono, Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016 | 16:01 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 984

Jakarta, InfoPublik- Indonesian Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo said President Joko Widodo expects his administration to focus on development.

"The government is committed to focus on infrastructure development and provide the best service to the community, including speeding up licensing and eliminating extortion in order to accelerate equitable development and improve people's welfare," said the Minister in his office, Wednesday (19/10).

Tjahjo Kumolo asserted that entering the 2 years working period of Working Cabinet, the government has achieved many things, including accelerating infrastructure development. "This cannot be achieved in one or two years only. At least, it will need three years. But as we can see now, we have seen a lot of development. For example, 49 large reservoirs, highways, irrigations, and various matters related to infrastructure development. I believe we can realize it in three years," he said.

He said that despite the influence of global economy  towards the state budget, tax amnesty policy managed to increase the number of taxpayer. "The government will also build an effective and efficient good governance, speed up bureaucratic reform and strengthen regional autonomy," he explained. (Translator: Siti Chodijah)