People to Remain Vigilant of Conflict and Terror during Ramadan


Oleh Jhon Rico, Rabu, 8 Juni 2016 | 09:39 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik – The public must remain vigilant of criminal cases that usually take place during the month of Ramadan, among others fights between villages, terror threat and conflicts between groups.

"We call all people to be more vigilant in Ramadan," said Metro Jaya Police Department Public Relations Chief Senior Commissioner Awi Setiyono in Jakarta, Friday (6/3).

According to him, the potential crimes which tend to occur in the month of Ramadan are similar to the previous cases. "The potential cases are those that commonly occur during Ramadan," he said.

Realizing the potential, he stated, the whole community is expected to continue to be vigilant. (Translator: Siti Chodijah)