Government and the House to be in the Same Platform for Prolegnas


Oleh Tri Antoro, Rabu, 8 Juni 2016 | 09:22 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 496

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Government and the House of Representative must work together in every draft of the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas).

"The government and the House must be in one connection," said member of Legislation Board Hermanto in Jakarta, Monday (6/6).

It is important to share the same idea in formulating legislation in order to produce positive results. The legislation board gave two examples of legislation which are less beneficial for people.

First, the regulation concerning freelance workers which is cnsidered to make people uncertain. "Freelance workers, laborers and others are complaining about their unclear working status," he said.

Second, the regulation concerning teacher which is considered not in favour with non-permanent teachers. The non-permanent, contract teachers have not being well-served and underpaid. "This is more urgent than Civil Servant (ASN) legislation," he added. (Translator: Wilda Stiana)