Oleh Eko Budiono, Senin, 9 Mei 2016 | 17:26 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 535
Jakarta, InfoPublik-Indonesia Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo requested Indonesian goods trade and distribution partners association (ARDIN Indonesia) to make the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) an opportunity to compete with other countries.
Home minister emphasized that the government continues to undertake deregulation and reformation on the economic policy. "Business actors play the role to grow and compete. In my opinion, AEC era is not a challenge, but an era of competition, an opportunity for ARDIN to synergize. ARDIN should also establish partnership with the central and the regions to accelerate development and improve people's welfare," said Mr. Kumolo on Sunday (5/1).
He expected good cooperation between businessmen and government. Currently, the government is fixing the bureaucracy and reducing length of licensing process. Local governments are also expected establish good coordination through communication forum of regional leaders to build a common understanding. In addition, he also requested heads of provinces and regencies/municipalities to provide opportunities to the private sector to develop. Mr. Kumolo stated that President Joko Widodo’s policies also encourage that the allocation of development budget to be equally distributed to entrepreneurs.
"The budget should be enjoyed by regional businessman as well, and not only by those in Jakarta. Our duty now is to empower, assign roles, to give opportunities for entrepreneurs in the local level. Thus, through this forum we could create a better system," he added. (Translator: Siti Chodijah)