Government Will Resolve Domestic Territorial Border Disputes


Oleh Eko Budiono, Selasa, 26 Januari 2016 | 12:05 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 595

Jakarta, InfoPublik - The government will resolve domestic territorial border disputes which take place in several regions in order to accelerate the development and improvement of people’s welfare.

"An example of area experiencing borderline dispute is North Musirawas and Musi Banyuasin District in South Sumatera. The dispute between both districts has been ongoing for 10 years now," said Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo in his office in Jakarta on Monday (1/25).
According to him, there is even a district that has two capitals due to conflicts of interest among the elites in the region. "Frankly, I found that from 1999, 58 percent of regional division files failed to achieve the target. The target of attaining the equality of welfare and local revenue [PAD] did not succeed also," he said.
He admitted that problems still exist in divided regions for years. The problems are about the issue of inter-regional boundaries, village borderline, capital city, and others.
He added that since the beginning of regional autonomy implementation, hundreds of regional division proposal were immediately filed to Jakarta. "The pace of regional division is moving so fast. But the divided regions are still dependent on central budget," he said. (Translator: Siti Chodijah)