Research, Technology and Higher Education (RTHE) Minister Inaugurates Padjadjaran Science and Technology Area


Oleh Penni Patmawati Rusman, Senin, 4 November 2019 | 11:39 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 22K

Jakarta, InfoPublik–Research, Technology and Higher Education (RTHE) Minister Mohamad Nasir accompanied by the Acting Rector of Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) Rina Indiastuti inaugurated the Padjadjaran Science and Technology Building and area (KST).

The Minister inaugurated the KST by the signing of an inscription at the Auditorium of KST Padjadjaran Building, Jatinangor Campus of the Padjajaran University, West Java.

Nasir hopes that KST Padjadjaran becomes a pioneer of mature KST in Indonesia. It is also expected to accommodate UNPAD innovators and to produce the best innovative products for the Indonesian and global citizens.

"When KST UNPAD becomes 'mature', it will generate 'revenue' for Padjadjaran University," Nasir said, as quoted from the ministry’s release in Jakarta, Wednesday (9/25).

During the inauguration ceremony, Tuesday (9/24), Nasir said that to be advanced, the KST ecosystem must be well developed. One of the innovation ecosystems that need to be built is networking produced by inventors and innovators. Inventors and innovators are those who have multi-talent skills in innovative products production process.

"There is no meaning to a Science and Technology Area (KST) if there are no inventors and innovators," said the Nasir.

The next step of KST development is the down streaming and commercialization of research results. According to Minister Nasir, innovation can be commercialized when an incubation site is available to make business process of innovation products run smoothly. Collaboration between academics, businessmen, government, community, and media or known as Penta Helix ABGCM (Academician-Business-Government-Community-Media) is also important.

He added that the successful KST Indicator is an incubation container to roll out innovations that provide added value to the community. "Whether or not incubators can produce innovation; also, the more tenants using KST to produce innovation will determine the success of a KST," Nasir said.

Next, when the business has added value for KST, it is necessary to build "University Holding Institution/Company".

Nasir continued that by establishing this into a company, a university can have the tenants as 'revenue-generating components'. ”In fact, Padjadjaran University has become a State University with corporation status (PTNBH). This becomes very important," Nasir said.

Nasir hoped that KST does not only sell innovation products. KST must be able to facilitate research/invention process into innovation. Therefore, it is necessary to involve students, especially those of doctoral programs. The laboratory must also be directed to produce publications and innovations.

Nasir also appreciated the leap of innovation made by Padjadjaran University in recent years. Padjadjaran KST Building is expected to be a stimulus to bring a considerable benefits for UNPAD.

Meanwhile, Acting Rector of UNPAD Rina Indiastuti hoped that Padjadjaran KST could be beneficial for the development of West Java and Indonesian people. Rina revealed that the development of KST Padjadjaran was supported by the Ministry of RTHE.

"We thank the Minister for the development of KST Padjadjaran Building facilities and institution," said Rina.

Rina explained that the competitive advantage of Padjadjaran KST was the "green innovation" value which focuses on 'advance material' for agrotechnology. This value is in line with UNPAD’s Basic Scientific Pattern.

Rina expected that Padjadjaran KST would serve as a pilot center and technology transfer center. This building will be used for various activities, mainly related to the three main functions of KST, namely incubation, technology transfer services, and technology and expertise services.

In addition to the inauguration, a Cooperation Agreement between UNPAD and Sumedang Regency, PT Digital Truk, and BRI Microfinance was signed regarding smart farming based on research utilization for Sumedang Regency people.

Also present at the event was RHTE ministry’s Director-General of Research and Development Strengthening o Muhammad Dimyati, RTHE ministry’s Cooperation and Public Communication Bureau head Nada Marsudi, Acting Director of Science and Technology Area and other Supporting Institutions of the Ministry RTHE Kemal Prihatman, UNPAD Vice Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Academic Corporations Keri Lestari, BRI Microfinance Center Operational Director Agus Rachmadi, PT. Ritase Digital Truck Indonesia Lead Product Manager of Ginanjar Fathul Muttaqin, Sumedang Regency Regional Secretary Herman Suryatman, representing West Java Governor, Region VIII Education Office Head Otin Martini, representatives of UNPAD partner banks, UNPAD rectorates, and other guests. (Reporter: G. Suranto, Translator: Wilda Stiana)