Baby Orang Utan was born in Lamandau Wildlife Reserve, Central Kalimantan


Oleh Wilda Stiana, Jumat, 30 April 2021 | 13:26 WIB - Redaktur: Wilda Stiana - 2K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry via the Lamandau Wildlife Reserve, Central Kalimantan Province, received the news of the birth of a baby Bornean orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus) from an orangutan named Ilik.

Acting Head of the Lamandau Wildlife Reserve Handi Nasoka explained that it was their 18th birth in six years from 2016-2021.

"18 orangutans who were born in Lamandau Wildlife Reserve are 11 male, six female, and not yet identified are the newborn," said Handi in an official statement on Friday (4/30).

According to him, his party received news of Ilik's pregnancy in March 2021. She was seen holding her baby when she came to the Gemini Release and Monitoring Camp at Lamandau Wildlife Reserve (4/13) at 11.50 WIB. Field staff at Camp Gemini will continue to monitor the mother and the newborn's condition in the first week after birth.

"The birth is a happy news that encourages us to continue to work to maintain the integrity of the Lamandau Wildlife Reserve area, especially in times of a pandemic like this. From the conservation efforts, we hope that the animals in the area can live comfortably in their natural habitat and maintain their sustainability," he said.

Handi also said that his party has collaborated with the Orangutan Foundation-United Kingdom (OF-UK) Indonesia to create optimal conditions for orangutan breeding in nature.

This cooperation includes activities to protect the area, rehabilitate degraded land with local plants and orangutan food trees, conduct studies to increase the carrying capacity of wildlife, and monitor the health of orangutans during pregnancy and after birth to ensure a high survival rate. (Photo: Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry)

Author: Wahyu Sudoyo

Editor: Untung S

Translator: Wilda Stiana