Unduh Foto - Album: AM IMF-WBG 2018

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani (kanan) bersama World Bank Vice President and Corporate Secretary Yvonne Tsikata (kiri) tiba di ruang Pleno Development Committee dalam rangkaian Pertemuan Tahunan IMF World Bank Group 2018, di BNDCC, Bali, Sabtu(13/10). ICom/AM IMF-WBG/Puspa Perwitasari/hp/2018

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani (right) and Vice President and Corporate Secretary of World Bank Yvonne Tsikata (left) arrive at a venue of Development Committee Plenary in the series of the 2018 IMF-WBG Annual Meetings at BNDCC, Bali, Saturday (13/10).  ICom/AM IMF-WBG/Puspa Perwitasari/hp/ras/2018