The Hope for Press Freedom is in the Air on WPFD 2017 Celebration


Oleh Eko Budiono, Kamis, 4 Mei 2017 | 16:23 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 728

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Chairman of Central Asian and Southern Caucasian Freedom of Expression Network Azer Hasret said that World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) 2017 can support the development of the press.

"The effect of WPFD certainly  can not be felt immediately, but the freedom of press will gradually witness improvement around the world," Azer said during World Press Freedom Day (WPFD)  2017 celebration  in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta.

Azer pointed out that in some countries such as Azerbaijan and Russia, the governments are still strictly monitoring the mass media.

"Surely the challenge to press freedom in every country is not the same, and it requires a strong commitment," he said.

Meanwhile, Turkish journalist Erol Endorgu said that the standard of press freedom in each country is different.

"About 80 percent of media in Turkey are under government’s control, making it difficult to be critical," Endorgu said.

He added that  currently  we need the right mechanism  to protect  journalists.

"The role of civil society is very important to support freedom of expression and the press," he added. (Reporter: Eko Budiono/Translator: Sugiarti)