Government to Consider All Options to Release 10 Indonesian Citizens


Oleh Masfardi, Selasa, 12 April 2016 | 11:40 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 595

Jakarta, InfoPublik – Indonesian House of Representatives Commission I speaker Mahfudz Siddiq urged the government to consider every option to release 10 Indonesian citizens who were held hostage by Abu Sayyaf.
"Currently the government is considering two options, that is, is military engagement and negotiation through paying ransom demanded by the hostage-takers. Both options come with consequences," said Mahfouz Siddiq in Jakarta, Sunday (4/10).
For military engagement, Indonesian military cannot engage directly in the situation because the Philippine constitution does not allow that to occur. 
He added that we need to urge the Government of the Philippines to take concrete action to resolve the problem. Up to this moment, the measures taken by Philippine Government to save the hostages have not been successful.
According to him, the option to pay ransom  is more feasible, because from the beginning the hostage takers has been conducting communication with the company that operate the hijacked tug.
He admitted that many parties do not agree the option of negotiations, because it seems like  we are subject to a criminal group. We are a sovereign state and we should not compromise with the hostage taker. 
According to him, if we do not want to compromise with the group, as long as Philippine government is willing to conduct hard power, our efforts to free the hostages will succeed. (Translator:Sugiarti)