Two Fish Quarantine Service Units Entered Final Public Service Innovation


Oleh Wilda Stiana, Selasa, 29 Juni 2021 | 11:53 WIB - Redaktur: Wilda Stiana - 588

Jakarta, InfoPublik - The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono motivates the Fish Quarantine, Quality Control, and Fishery Product Safety (BKIPM) employees related to the inclusion of two service units in the top public service innovation event held by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform.

Meanwhile, the Head of BKIPM Rina said that the two service units were Balai KIPM Mataram and SKIPM Jambi. Each of them showed their service innovations that facilitated fish quarantine services for service users.

"BKIPM Mataram with 'Si Chupang' and SKIPM Jambi sent the 'Patin Jambi Kito'," said Rina.

'Si Chupang' is an acronym for "Aplikasi Cukup Mudah dan Gampang" or the Easy App, an android-based service that can be downloaded by service users. Through this application, they do not need to come directly to the Mataram BKIPM office to take care of several quarantine services such as HACCP, CKIB, and so on.

"This app makes it very easy, especially in NTB, which consists of two islands, Lombok and Sumbawa. Sumbawa people don't have to come to Mataram. Using Si Chupang app would be enough," he said.

'Patin Jambi Kito' is an acronym for "Pelayanan Terintegrasi Jaminan Ikan Bermutu Tinggi dan Karantina Profesional" or Integrated Service of High-Quality Fish Assurance and Professional Quarantine. Rina revealed this is the first innovation to reduce the incidence of fish disease outbreaks. From the original eight incidents to nil.

"Then, there is also an acceleration of service from 26 hours to 0.5 hours in 2020," said Rina. For information, before becoming finalists, these two innovations competed with 1,609 other innovation proposals.

Furthermore, 'Patin Jambi Kito' will compete with 99 other innovations from ministries/agencies, local governments, BUMN and BUMD. 'Si Chupang' from the Mataram KIPM Center will be pitted against 15 innovation replications from other ministries/agencies.

Author: Baheramsyah

Editor: Wawan Budiyanto

Translator: Wilda Stiana