Transportation Ministry Carries Out SIMKAPEL Application Trial


Oleh Penni Patmawati Rusman, Senin, 2 September 2019 | 17:26 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 795

Jakarta, InfoPublik – Transportation Ministry’s Directorate General of Sea Transportation, on Tuesday (8/13) carried out a trial operation of the Ships and Sailors Management Information System (SIMKAPEL) application.

The Director of Ships and Sailors Affairs, Capt. Sudiono explained, his office continued its efforts to ensure reliable and competitive sea transportation services. One of which was by improving Information and communication technology in the National Sailing Industry, which has been realized through the SIMKAPEL application development to integrate services related to ships and sailors’ online certification.

"SIMKAPEL is part of our effort to improve the performance of transportation services, especially in sea transportation. Sea transportation is one of the transportation sector development targets set out in the medium-term development plan for the 2015-2019 period," said Sudiono, Tuesday (13/8).

Sudiono considered excellent and modern transportation management will create synergy and can comprehensively address transportation problems.

In this modern era, Sudiono continued, Transportation Ministry is required to be able to extensively utilize sailing-related technology to improve service performance, safety and security, and maritime environmental protection. Therefore, this application is expected to be a solution to accelerate services in the sailing industry.

"This application can accurately present data and information on ship and sailor’s certification that can anytime and anywhere be traced by stakeholders. Thus, aspects of effectiveness and transparency of services can be well achieved," said Sudiono.

Sudiono hoped that the usage of the application can contribute to the development of stronger and internationally competitive national sailing industry. (Reporter: Dian Thenniarti, Translator: Wilda Stiana)