Oleh Penni Patmawati Rusman, Senin, 2 September 2019 | 17:11 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 4K
Jakarta, InfoPublik – The National Library of Indonesia (Perpusnas) held the National Election of Outstanding Librarian 2019 which was officially opened by the Head of the National Library of Indonesia Muhammad Syarif Bando at Aryaduta Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (13/08).
He congratulated the participants and the committee and wished for the best to all librarians in Indonesia.
The Head of the Librarian Development Center for the National Library of Indonesia Opong Sumiati said, the event was participated by 29 librarians who represent their respective provinces. Participating librarians are the best librarians who have passed the selection stage at the provincial level.
"They are regional representatives who have passed the selection in their respective regions and will compete to win the best title," Opong Sumiati said.
This event will take place on 13-19 August 2019 at Aryaduta Hotel, Jakarta. Each participant will follow the next stage until the final stage of judging.
First winner of this competition will be entitled for a Rp20 million prize, Rp17.5 million for the 2nd winner, Rp15 million for the 3rd winner, and for the 4th to 6th winner will be entitled for a respectively Rp12.5, Rp10, and Rp9 million. In addition, every participant are entitled for a Rp2 million cash.
Opong expected this event to encourage all Indonesian librarians to work harder and to innovate in increasing public literacy.
"If librarians’ ability increase, the quality of libraries will automatically continue to develop, so that libraries and librarians’ image as community partners in the process of learning and working will remain great," She said
This, too, according to Opong, will encourage people to continue using the library as a source of useful information in improving their welfare.
She added that, librarians in the millennial era must foster innovation and creativity in presenting information and services in accordance with the habits of the millennial community.
In the global competition era, she explained, competence is an absolute requirement. However, librarians must also have creativity and innovation in managing libraries that affects the community directly.
"Librarians who have innovation and high dedication in managing libraries professionally and provide high quality services deserve to be titled as the Outstanding Librarians, she said. (Reporter John Rico, Translator: Wilda Stiana)