Unduh Foto - Album: AM IMF-WBG 2018

Peraih gelar Puteri Indonesia Favorit Sosial Media yang mewakili kepulauan Indonesia bagian Timur, Leinda Mellisa Wattimena (kanan) belajar membatik di Paviliun Indonesia pada ajang Pertemuan Tahunan IMF - World Bank Grup di Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin (8/10). Area Paviliun Indonesia terbagi menjadi beberapa ruangan tematik seperti BUMN Hall, Area Workshop, Area Pameran, VIP Lounge, Investment Lounge dan Stage pavilion/Coffee Shop yang memiliki keunikannya masing-masing untuk ditelusuri para peserta pertemuan saat melintasi tiap ruangan. ICom/AM IMF-WBG/Afriadi Hikmal/wsj/2018.

Winner of Puteri Indonesia crown in people's choice award for favorite social media who represented Eastern Indonesia Leinda Melissa Wattimena (right) tries to draw make Batik in Indonesia Pavilion on the sidelines of the 2018 IMF - World Bank Group Annual Meetings in Nusa Dua, Bali, Monday (8/10). The Indonesia Pavilion will be staged into several sections among others State-owned Enterprises Hall, Workshop Area, Exhibition Area, VIP Lounge, Investment Lounge and Stage pavilion/Coffee Shop with their own respective themes that can be explored by participants of the event. ICom/AM IMF-WBG/Afriadi Hikmal/wsj/ras/2018.