Analyst Urges DPR to Revise Regional Election Law


Oleh Eko Budiono, Senin, 4 April 2016 | 15:15 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 512

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Executive Director Titi Anggraini on Sunday (4/3) urged House of Representatives (DPR) to immediately discuss the revision of Law No. 8/2015 on Regional Election.
According to Titi, one of the crucial points in the Law is the election expense that is charged to Regional Budget (APBD). This can potentially lead to conflict of interest.
“It is important to pay attention to the budget preparedness in 101 regions which will hold elections in 2017 so that the elections can be held properly," she said.
Another crucial point, said Titi, is the candidacy method for regional head candidates including terms and conditions of registration, especially for candidate with several problems such as candidate on parole, as well as the precentage of election treshold.
Earlier, Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo said the revision will be conducted on April 2016. According to the Minister revision will be made on the minimum number of political party that could nominate their candidates to avoid single candidacy. (Translator: Sugiarti)