Rafflesia Reblooms in North Bengkulu


Oleh MC Bengkulu Utara, Jumat, 12 Februari 2016 | 13:17 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 2K

Argamakmur, InfoPublik - North Bengkulu regency is dubbed as the Land of Rafflesia because Rafflesia flowers are often found in this region. They are rare flowers protected by the state. This time, a Rafflesia Arnoldi reblooms in the village of Kuro Tidur—in Dam Air Lais forest, to be precise.

The location of the blooming Rafflesia can be reached within about an hour from the Argamakmur city. The growing of the giant flower becomes a spectacle for the public.
According to Putu Winaya, a visitor from Taba Tembilang village, Rafflesia flowers are difficult to find, because they can only grow in some particular places. So, when there is a blooming Rafflesia, he will visit the location despite having to travel far enough.
“I am curious to see it first hand and wonder what it looks like up close. And I think local government should maintain and protect the habitat of the rare Rafflesia flower,” Mr. Winaya said, Thursday (2/11).
Usually, this rare flower grows in the Palak Siring Kemumu waterfall. But this time, the giant flower grows in a different area. Furthermore, another flower head appears and is expected to bloom in the next two to three months. (MC/BU/BGS/toeb/Translator: Erik Limantara)