Rabu, 22 Januari 2025 7:17:27

Indonesia’s G20 Presidency opens opportunities for Domestic MSMEs To Enter Global Supply Chain


Oleh Sugiarti, Selasa, 29 Maret 2022 | 13:30 WIB - Redaktur: Sugiarti - 463

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Indonesia's G20 presidency is expected to boost economic growth in the trade sector to be more inclusive in the future. Thus, domestic micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) players can grow rapidly through the G20 event in the coming months.

"Economic growth from the trade sector is becoming more inclusive for MSME players," said Chair of B20 Shinta Kamdani when discussing the G20 series of activities "Task Force 1 Session at The Global Solution Summit with the theme "Strengthening Multilateral Trading System to Support Economic Recovery and Post Pandemic Era" on Monday, March 28, 2022.

According to Shinta, the G20 event which specifically discusses matters related to trade can open great opportunities for MSME players to enter the global supply chain system because there are many stakeholders from all over the world who can provide access for Indonesia’s MSME players to enter the system.

With the approach taken during the G20 event, Shinta continued, it is hoped that the efforts of domestic MSME players to enter the global supply chain system inclusively can produce good results. That way, in the future, we can find a number of domestic MSME products in the global supply chain system.

"I want to underline the inclusiveness of MSME players," added Shinta.

In the context of the pandemic, Indonesia's G20 Presidency can bring fresh air to the recovery of domestic MSME players. Thus, recovery due to the impact of the global COVID-19 outbreak can be carried out in a relatively shorter time in the future.

Given that the MSME is the sector most affected by the spread of the global pandemic over the past two years. " [Indonesia's G20 Presidency] can help MSMEs recover after being affected by the pandemic," said Shinta

Meanwhile, Shinta also highlighted the efforts to reform the World Trade Organization (WTO). The international institution must be able to transform according to the current developments, so that it will have a positive impact on the global trade sector in the future.

With updates in accordance with the development of world dynamics, such as in the context of handling the pandemic. The institution must be able to make a series of policies that effectively anticipate various dynamics of challenges that arise due to the impact of the global epidemic.

Through this policy, an effective solution will be made in resolving the dynamics of the obstacles that occur. "That's what I think is very important to deliver, related to the reform the WTO," Shinta concluded.