Oleh Amrln, Rabu, 8 Juni 2016 | 10:05 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 797
Jakarta, InfoPublik – Indonesia National Development Planning Ministry/Bappenas’ Deputy of Population and Employment, has launched the official website called jejakmu.com in Jakarta on Friday (3/6).
Jejakmu.com is a forum for young people to share knowledge and information about job opportunities, trainings, internship programs, entrepreneurship, and tips for success in the workplace, as well as numerous articles about job and career.
The website is a public-private partnership between Bappenas and Top Karir, a job portal which provide job information for young people.
In addition, Bappenas also collaborated with a number of ministries, institutions, local governments, NGOs and private sector which are members of Indonesia Youth Employment Network (IYEN).
"The website is expected to give young people more access to job market and the opportunity to develop and improve their competency and entrepreneurship skills," said National Development Planning Minister Sofyan Djalil in a written statement received in Jakarta on Saturday (4/6).
In 2015, the open unemployment rate was still relatively high at 6.2 per cent or 7.6 million people. More than 60 percent of which are young people. Open unemployment rate for young people aged 15 -24 years was relatively high at 22.59 percent.
The Minister added that young workers are the driver of development. Low productivity among young people should be the main concern of all parties. With highly productive youth, all of the challenges and opportunities to become an advanced nation can easily be solved.
"Through the partnership built in Jejakmu.com, we hope that more positive initiatives involving cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder cooperation will continue to be developed and give positive impact on enhancing the quality of young workforce. Such partnership is also expected to lower the open unemployment rate in Indonesia, as targeted in the 2015-2019 Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) at 5.3 to 55 percent," he concluded. (translator: Sugiarti)