Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry Encourages Local And Foreign Investors to Develop Fisheries Sector


Oleh Baheramsyah, Minggu, 3 April 2016 | 22:07 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 610

Jakarta, InfoPublik - In order to stimulate business in marine and fisheries sector, Indonesia Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) made an attempt to encourage business people in the sector, both local and foreign, to collaborate with government.
"We must cooperate with everyone to improve fisheries and marine sector in the country," said Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti on Thursday (3/31) in Jakarta.
Moreover, the Minister explained that the cooperation is an important step to harmonize fisheries sector from upstream to downstream industry.
"The government cannot work alone, we have to work together with all parties," she said.
In order to develop collaboration with businessmen, the ministry organized the “Marine and Fisheries Business and Investment Forum” held on 30-31  March 2016 at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries building, Jakarta. The theme of the forum was "Investing in Aquaculture and Seafood Value Chain".
The minister hoped the forum could generate solution for the problems faced at the time. "I hope that this dialogue will result new agreements that will strongly support the development of marine and fisheries sector in Indonesia," she said.
Also presented in the event were Ambassador/representatives from several countries such as from the United States, Australia, Japan, Germany, France, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Norway, United Kingdom, and Russia. (Translator: Sugiarti)