Indonesian Embassy in Kuwait Launches a Handbook of Manpower to Protect PMI


Oleh Wilda Stiana, Selasa, 24 November 2020 | 13:49 WIB - Redaktur: Wilda Stiana - 2K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - To improve the protection of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in Kuwait, the Indonesian Embassy in Kuwait has launched an Employment Pocket Book. This book covers work contracts, work visas, salaries, working hours, holidays, resignation procedures, overtime, and severance pay, according to the rules in Kuwait.

"This book includes answers to questions frequently asked by PMI, so it is useful to increase knowledge about PMI's rights and obligations in Kuwait and to minimize the problems that befell PMI in Kuwait," said the Indonesian Labor Attache (Atnaker) in Kuwait, Alamsyah. Azis, through the Press Release of the Ministry of Manpower's Public Relations Bureau on Monday (23/11/2020).

This book is published in Indonesian. So, it can be used as a reference for both PMI in Kuwait and prospective PMI who will work in Kuwait.

"The target audience is not only PMI who are already in Kuwait but also PMI who are interested in working in Kuwait. For this reason, the Pocket Book is published in Indonesian," explained Alamsyah Azis.

Apart from the Pocket Book of Manpower in Kuwait, the Indonesian Embassy in Kuwait also launched the InK Magazine. This magazine contains the latest information on the implementation of RI-Kuwait relations and cooperation in the fields of politics, economy, and manpower.

Atnaker Alamsyah explained, InK Magazine is targeting foreign readers who are residents of Kuwait. So, it is published in two languages, namely English and Indonesian, in one publication.

"The magazine also contains articles related to the protection of Indonesian citizens and people-to-people contact, particularly the impact of the pandemic on the Indonesian citizen community in Kuwait, as well as unique facts regarding the influence of the Middle East on Indonesian culture," he explained.

He added that these two publications were officially launched through a special video which was distributed through social media at the Indonesian Embassy in Kuwait on November 20, 2020, at local time.

"This is because the launch event in the form of a face-to-face meeting with guests from various stakeholders is not possible according to Phase 4 of the current New Normal in Kuwait," he said.

Currently, the general public can read and download the digital version of InK Magazine via the link:

and the digital version of the Pocket Book via the link:


Translator: Wilda Stiana