Makassar BKIPM Secures the State from Rp 8.4 Billion Losses


Oleh Baheramsyah, Rabu, 27 Desember 2017 | 10:24 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 923

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry’s National Fish Quarantine, Quality Control and Fishery Products Safety Agency (BKIPM) stated that during 2017, Makassar BKIPM has processsed 399 cases of export violations and illegal fishery imports which is worth around Rp 8.4 billion.

Makassar BKIPM head Siti Chadidjah mentioned that 2017 has seen the largest arrest with 399 cases were processed and the total value of the saved commodities reached Rp 8,401,912,000.

According to Chadidjah, the perpetrators were proven to violate Law No. 16/1992 on Quarantine, Animals and Plants and Law No. 45/2009 on Fisheries.

"From that figure, several cases have been completely processed, such as smuggling of kima meat, napoleon fish, crabs, , lobsters, shark fins, goat head shells and sea horses," Chadidjah said in a coordination and evaluation meeting of fish quarantine abuses in 2017 in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on Tuesday (12/26).

She said that Makassar BKIPM intensively conducts efforts to  handle illegal fishing conducted by exporters.

Meanwhile, BKIPM Public Relations Subdivision Head, Rina asserted that the national agency is committed in handling all forms of illegal fishery.

"The government has formed Illegal Fishing Task Force through Presidential Regulation No. 115 of 2015 on Task Force 115 concerning  Illegal Fishing Eradication. So, we will not stop to enforce sovereignty in the Indonesian sea," she explained.

She explained that the agency also will continue to pay attention to the continuity and sustainability of fish resources. (Translator: Erik Limantara)