Industry Minister Urges Industry to Support Germas


Oleh Wawan Budiyanto, Rabu, 16 November 2016 | 17:09 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 810

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Industry Minister Airlangga Hartanto urges the industry to support the government program of People Healthy Life Movement, also known as Germas, in order to develop the Indonesian people’s quality of life which is healthy and prosperous. 

“Germas was initiated by President Joko Widodo in oder to strengthen the paradigma of health development,” said Airlanga while representing  the Coordinating Human Development and Culture Minister in a Germas Declaration event in Sentul, Bogor, West Java, Tuesday (11/15).

Minister Airlangga Hartarto explained that this national movement emphasizes the promotive and preventive efforts and does not rule out the curative and rehabilitative efforts either. Therefore, the implementation of Germas needs support, commitment, and participation of the government and private sector in socializing the health paradigm. 

“The implementation would done by campaigning the milk drinking movement for school-age children and fish eating movement,” he said. 

The implementation could be supported by domestic industry by executing the corporate social responsibility (CSR) in health and education sectors. (Translator: Erik Limantara)