Ministry of Education Focuses on Four Priority Agendas in the G20


Oleh Siti Chodijah, Rabu, 16 Maret 2022 | 12:29 WIB - Redaktur: Siti Chodijah - 3K

Jakarta, InfoPublik – As the Chair of the G20 Education Working Group, Iwan Syahril, Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, stated that Indonesia has been entrusted to lead the G20 International Conference in 2022.

Indonesia is seen as a good example of a country that has succeeded in transforming education comprehensively despite the COVID-19 pandemic, owing to the transformative innovations of the Merdeka Belajar program (Freedom to Learn). We shall lead the G20 member countries in collaborating on four critical agendas to explore collaborative initiatives.

These discussions are expected to result in a joint solution to help the world recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"With Indonesia taking over the G20 presidency in 2022, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology will play a key role in leading and inviting G20 member countries on the Education Working Group (EdWG) agenda to discuss global education issues, with a focus on four priority agendas," Iwan Syahril said at a virtual press conference on Tuesday, March 15.

The four agendas are: first, equitable access to quality education for all; Second, digital technology in education, particularly in terms of improving access and utilizing the right technology to overcome learning loss and improve quality of education;

Third, cross-country and cross-sector collaboration and mutual aid to promote educational access and quality; and fourth, quality and relevant education to generate superior and competitive human resources capable of meeting future problems.

"The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology will share about the Merdeka Belajar program breakthrough as an endeavor to enhance the education system and accelerate the quality of education in Indonesia in the G20 Education Working Group of the 2022 agenda," he said.

"Our Ministry leads efforts to develop a quality education system for all G20 countries, including Indonesia, through the EdWG 2022 agenda," he explained.

All G20 member countries, as well as all parties and institutions involved in the Working Group, are invited to work together, collaborate, and strengthen each other, according to the Minister. "Under Indonesia’s G20 presidency, the value of gotong royong (mutual cooperation) will encourage the restoration of the world's situation for a better future," he said.


Photo: InfoPublik

Reporter: G. Suranto