JAS Improves Services During Lebaran Transportation Period


Oleh Dian Thenniarti, Selasa, 6 Juni 2017 | 09:43 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 717

Jakarta, InfoPublik - In order to improve it services during Lebaran, PT Jasa Angkasa Semesta (JAS) has made some preparations.

"The preparations, including addition of personnel, Ground Support Equipment  (GSE) and maintenance, have been made to support the smooth movement of passengers and goods during Lebaran period," Soekarno Hatta Airport Station manager Budiara said on Sunday (5/28).

In addition, JAS also took the initiative to give dates and mineral water for all passengers in the airport.

A package containing dates and mineral water is set by JAS near the boarding gate for all passengers who depart approximately 1 hour before the breaking of the fast period.

Several international airlines that fly at that time on the first day of Ramadhan are Emirates, Etihad, Qatar, Singapore Airlines, KLM and Malaysia Airline.

"There are seven international airlines with flight before  maghrib (the breaking of the fast period), We have provided dates and mineral water for approximately 35,000 passengers for a whole month," he explained.

He also continued that this is one of JAS’s traditions and as  an effort to improve the service quality to airline customers. "Last February, for instance, JAS had given mandarin oranges during Chinese New Year and sweets during Christmas and New Year," he concluded. (Translator: Rina Alexandra)