Microcredit Program Facilitates Public to Own Subsidized Housing


Oleh Tri Antoro, Selasa, 14 Februari 2017 | 08:42 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 747

Jakarta, InfoPublik – The implementation of microcredit housing program for informal workers encourages equitable housing development in Indonesia.

"I expect that the microcredit housing program for informal workers could be implemented immediately," Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister stated in press release received by InfoPublik on Sunday (2/12).

The Minister explained the program will ease people’s need to acquire government-subsidized housing. People could own a house with affordable price and at the same time participated in succeeding the One Million Houses Program.

"Many Indonesian works in informal sector, but they are capable to pay mortgage. This credit facility will help them to have a home soon," he said.

On the other hand, the PUPR Ministry’s Secretary General Anita Firmanti said the growth of Indonesia’s population has caused the unfulfilled demand of decent housing. "Therefore,  local governments and central government should work together to help alleviate problems related to decent housing," she said.

Based on the Government Regulation No. 18 Year 2016 on Regional Apparatus Article 15 paragraph (3) letter d and Article 37 paragraph (3) letter d, provincial and district/city office has one obligatory function related to basic services, namely housing and residential area.

"To organize basic services for housing and residential area, the provincial and district/municipal  governments must establish a local apparatus team to oversee the matter," Anita said. (Translator: Rina Alexandra)