ASEAN PR Network and Global Alliance of Public


Oleh Irvina Falah, Jumat, 22 September 2017 | 11:07 WIB - Redaktur: Irvina Falah - 501

Rudiantara, The Minister of Communications and Information Technology - The Republic of Indonesia, delivered remarks at the opening ceremony of Call For Abstract/Posters On "ASEAN Public Relations Conference" held by the ASEAN Public Relations Network (APRN) and the Global Alliance of Public Relations and Communication Management (GA), which has been held at Bali’s 5-star diamond Trans Resort Badung, Bali, from Sept 20 to 23, 2017, with the topic discussions of Corporate Comunication, International Relations, Media Relations, Public Relations, and Social Media Communications. This conference will be even more exciting because the discussion will review and mark the ASEAN 50th Anniversary as well by prominent global, regional and domestic speakers, officials, business champions, PR expert and academia.

The discussion is part of the First ASEAN Public Relations Regional Conference in conjunction with ASEAN's 50th anniversary. "This conference is certainly relevant to our communication in defining ASEAN, its aspirations, and what distinguishes it from other regional grouping," He said.
Public relations and communication are keys to obtain public understanding and participation in order to strengthen the regional organization's position at the global level, The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Republic of Indonesia, Rudiantara, stated here as below.


Om Swastiastu

Best wishes to all of us

May the peace, mercy and blessing be with you

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning,
First of all, let we praise to God who grants us opportunity for being here on this event in a good health and condition. It gives me a great pleasure to welcome all participants, distinguished speakers, colleagues and the organizing committee of ASEAN PR Conference jointly organized by ASEAN PR Network and Global Alliance of Public Relations and Communication Management , to deliver the opening remarks at the commencing of the First ASEAN Public Relations Regional Conference, in Conjunction with ASEAN 50th Anniversary. I also welcome this Conference event which aims to discuss ASEAN's position and brand in the globally competitive environment.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
A public relations specialist is an image shaper. Their job is to generate positive publicity for their client and enhance their reputation. The client can be a company, an individual or a government. In the government PR people are called in Bahasa Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas). They keep the public informed about the activity of government agencies, explain policy, and manage political campaigns, and also the job often involves the dissemination of information. Public relations people working for a company may handle consumer relations, or the relationship between parts of the company such as the managers and employees, or different branch offices.
Today, we are in a period of communication abundance, characterized by communication beyond the threshold, so that it becomes overloaded. Information content can reach the saturation point, not only in society, but also in our minds.
Moreover, in the case with information development, it is very difficult to distinguish the space which provide accurate information, educational value, inspiring and meaningful, to the place which thrusts misleading information and contain less educative value for the public.
Distinguished Guest,
Ladies and Gentlemen
There are no doubt that communication and information have the power to create mutual interaction, mutual understanding, mutual respect, and mutual benefit within the relationship between groups, societies, nations or even countries.  There is barely clear border that separates between one to the others. Distance and time are no longer considered a hurdle. Everything and everyone are connected. We are getting closer through the Information and Communication Technologies.
The development of communication technology has undergone a transformation that has changed patterns of production, consumption and distribution of information, which also has changed the behavior and lifestyle of the people in the world in the field of communication, social, economic and cultural. Facing such changes can no longer use the old way.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Nowadays, Government PR people faces a number of new challenges and opportunities presented by the rise of communications technology, changing social, environmental and political landscapes, and the internal dynamics and commercial potential presented by the ASEAN Economic Community.    The information landscape has also changed widely because of the dynamic growth of social media, which has given challenging demands in making information a tool for nation’s welfare and creating opportunities for innovations.
We hope through this APRR Conference, will give positive and inspiring stories and to deliver solutions particularly in strengthening among ASEAN Member States. Not only through discussion about the position and brand of ASEAN in a globally competitive environment, in theory and practice, but also through social media and relationships in work in the real world.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the end of this remark, I would like to congratulate all honorable guests and speakers of this conference. I also would like to extend my appreciation to the Chairman of APRC Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, and the Committee of APRC 2017, that made this forum possible.
Hope this program will open the opportunity on how to raise awareness of the importance of exchange information, as well as bringing mutual benefit where positive contents can be read and watched by audiences in  ASEAN, and the most important thing is  PR people must adapt to change by improving management capacity, connectivity and networking.

May God bless us all
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Thank you.

Bureau of Public Relations
The Ministry Of Comunications and Information Technology