Vice President Jusuf Kalla Opens World Press Freedom Day


Oleh Irvina Falah, Rabu, 3 Mei 2017 | 14:45 WIB - Redaktur: Irvina Falah - 338

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla opened the World Press Freedom Day 2017 at the Jakarta Convention Center on May 3, 2017.

According to the vice president, by hosting of the World  Press Freedom Day, Indonesia strengthens its position especially in maintaining the press in playing its good and responsible role for the interest of the nation and the people.

The media in Indonesia had previously been under government’s control and highly restricted by certain regulations. But as of 1998 since  the start of the reform era, the situation changed to be more democratic marking the guarantee of the system of democracy, the autonomous administrative system, and the freedom of the press.  

He pointed out that  in such a condition, Indonesia proves  that it respects the freedom of the press in the country. In addition, the freedom of expression  is  guaranteed by the Constitution.

He is of the opinion that the freedom of the press is very important, particularly in its role to help enhance the national development.

Indonesia is a country where Islam is adhered to by most of its people, democracy  runs well and the freedom of the press develops greatly, the vice president said, adding that such a condition is not found in many countries. 

He also explained that  unlike in the past,  the media in Indonesia now have been experiencing a lot of changes as media companies should no longer need permits to set up their media businesses. This has brought about thousands of print and electronic media companies running in the country. However, the government issues regulations especially for electronic media but merely for regulating frequencies.

The media in Indonesia enjoy the freedom of the press, namely the freedom for the interest of the country, he said, adding that they do not face censorship but they have to abide by the ethics code.  

He further said that the freedom of expression should be carried out to make situation more just and peaceful  but not create conflicts. Thus, the media have to be responsible for their coverage to guarantee that their stories would help maintain justice and peace.
The vice president also pointed out that mass media have currently enjoyed development of technology which should be managed well, unless it could also bring about negative results.  

Likewise,  he  reminded the media of making stories for the benefits of all the people. According to him, the government need criticism from the media but they should also be responsible and objective in producing their stories  for the interest of the nation and the people.               

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World Press Freedom Day 2017 Media Center