Finance Ministry to avoid State Budget 2018 revision


Oleh lsma, Jumat, 24 November 2017 | 15:56 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 679

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Finance Ministry’s Fiscal Policy Agency head Suahasil Nazara said that his office would avoid revision on the State Budget 2018 which had been approved by the House of Representatives (DPR).

“If revision occurs, it will comply with the Law on State Budget,” Suahasil said in Jakarta, Tuesday (21/11).

He explained that there were several factors that would avoid State Budget 2018 from revision. The assumption figures in State Budget were predicted based on Indonesia’s economy situation in the midst of global economy uncertainty.

“Next year, we will review the achievements. If the tax revenue meets the target, the revenue and expenditure will be good,” he said.

Besides that, the deficit was predicted to be at 2.19 percent in the 2018 outlook. The figure was lower than the government’s outlook at 2.67 percent. 

“We want to improve State Budget’s primary deficit and budget deficit to 2.19 percent. The revenue is not too big; thus, it can be achieved. So, the risk is low,” he said.