CIT Minister Asks Social Media Platform to Tackle the Hate Speech Spreading


Oleh Tri Antoro, Senin, 18 September 2017 | 12:55 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 978

InfoPublik – Minister of Communications and Information Technology Rudiantara asked social media administrators to take part in tackling accounts that spreading hate speech.

"The platform providers are also responsible. Do not only rely to the people, the government and MCIT,” said Rudiantara at the House of Representatives, Jakarta, Monday (8/28).

MCIT has requested President Joko Widodo’s blessing to take firm action in accordance with the applicable legislation in solving this problem. Then, the accounts spreading hate speech will be dealt firmly with the police enforcers’ cooperation.  

"Last night I have spoken with Mr. President in detail to settle this matter," said the minister.

In line with the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Indonesia New Media Watch Director Agus Sudibyo revealed that social media administrators should also take responsibility for any hoaxes spread by social media users in Indonesia. "Social media company in fact taking full advantage of hoaxes to raise their application’s rating," added Agus.

According to him, social media CEOs should be able to participate actively to fight the spread of hoax content. Do not just stop until the accounts owner, but also sentence the platform CEOs with ITE Act.

"We have to differentiate the responsibility of social media’s account owners and social media’s CEOs," he said.(Translator: Wilda Stiana)