Home Affairs Minister Expects Parliamentary Threshold Increase


Oleh Eko Budiono, Selasa, 6 Juni 2017 | 08:50 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 685

Jakarta, InfoPublik – Minister of Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo said the government still remains expecting expects there would be an increase of more than at least 3.5 percent for the parliamentary threshold in the Election Draft Bill.

"The amount of the increase How much will it increase is will depend on the Special Committee’s deliberation," said Tjahjo Kumolo in his written statement on Wednesday (5/24).

As for presidential threshold, the minister said, the government insisted on a 20-25 percent nomination threshold.

According to him, a number of factions in the House of Representatives have different views on that matter.

"Please discuss later in the special committee, since there is no discussion about it," he said.

As for the number of electoral districts, the Minister of Home Affairs Minister stated that the government intended wants to add five districts, which three of them which are North Kalimantan, Riau island and Riau province.

"It will be discussed whether there will be an addition or reduction in East Java, West Java and Papua," he said.

As for the witness fund, he affirmed that the government objected if it should be is included in the state budget.

"We do not want to use funds for witness fund," he said. The government also objected if witness fund are charged to the state budget. If one one election round could cost a Rp 10 trillion rupiah budjet, the amount number will be doubled if we hold two there were two rounds of election. (Translator: Wilda Stiana)